
Class information - Academic Year 2024-25

Class Information - Academic Year 2024-25
Updated July  2024

Dear Parents/Carers

As we move towards the end of this academic year I am pleased to share with you the information about which teacher will be teaching each class for the coming academic year.




Class teacher 2024-25



Butterfiles (Mon/Tues/Wed am) 

Mrs. Donnelly 

Ladybirds (Wed pm Thurs/Fri)

Mrs. Stubbs


Mrs S Foster

Miss Phelan

Year 1

Miss Dennison 

Mrs Fellows/Mrs McCaffrey

Year 2

Miss Wilkinson

Mrs Amaya (formerly Miss Bayat)

Year 3

Miss Mc Keown 

Mrs Cook

Year 4

Mr Thew

Mrs Dowling

Year 5

Miss Madsen 

Mr. Coalter

Following a successful interview, Mr. Coalter, current supply teacher in Y3T, 

has been appointed as a member of staff from September 2024. 

Year 6

Mrs Watts

Mrs. Brown/Mrs Margo


You will notice that some teachers are missing from this list.

Mrs. Stephenson will leave us at the end of this academic year for pastures new. She will take up her new post as Deputy Headteacher in September. I’m sure you will join me in wishing her well, and thank her for all she has given to English Martyrs’ Catholic School during her time with us.

We welcome Mrs Amaya (formerly Miss Bayat) to our English Martyrs' family, who will take up her new post as Key Stage 1 Phase leader.

We will be interviewing for the class teacher post (Y5) in the coming days and hope to be able to inform you soon. 

In September 2024 English Martyrs' will open a new Additional Resources Provision for pupils with Communication and Interaction needs. Mrs. Allen has been appointed as teacher in the ARP. 

We look forward to sharing more information about this exciting development in the newsletter later this term.


My role as Director of Primary Support within Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust will continue. I will be working 3 days for Bishop Bewick , so I will generally not be in school on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s with one other day which is more flexible. The school will be led by Mr. Kennedy  in my absence.   


Thank you for your continued support 

Miss Elliott 



Current Class Teacher 2023-24



Class teacher 2024-25


Mrs Allen


Butterflies - Mrs Donnelly

Ladybirds - Vacant post




Mrs S Foster



Miss Phelan


Mrs S Foster

Miss Phelan 

(2 new classes formed)

Year 1


Mrs Fellows/Mrs McCaffrey


Miss Dennison

Year 1

Miss Dennison 

Year 2

Mrs Bayat

Mrs Donnelly/Mrs Fellows

Miss Wilkinson 

Year 2

Miss Wilkinson 

Year 3

Miss McKeown

Mrs Stephenson 

Mrs Cook

Year 3

Miss Thew

Year 4

Mr Thew

Mrs Cook 

Mrs Dowling

Year 4

Mrs Stubbs/Mrs McCaffrey

Year 5

Mr Coalter 

Mrs Dowling 

Miss Madsen 

Year 5

Miss Madsen 

Year 6

Mrs Brown/Mrs Margo

Miss McKeown 

Mrs Watts


                                                    Additional teacher 


Mrs Clarke

Music (part-time)


 Mrs Sutcliffe

Additional Teaching Support (Part-time)


Mr Kennedy

Deputy Head/Head of School, School Leadership, Teaching & Learning, Curriculum Development, Safeguarding 


Mr Young

Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo, Pastoral, Assessment. ARP lead.