
Our first few weeks in Reception...

Dear Parents,
We have had a fantastic start to Reception and are enjoying getting to know all of the children as they continue to learn and explore our early years environment both inside and out! 
The children have been amazing in their first couple of weeks and have settled in very well.  I am sure they will all be coming home worn out after completing their first few weeks!
 At English Martyrs' we use Tapestry to communicate with parents, share your child's experiences and  achievements.
Tapestry is an easy-to-use and secure online learning journal helping staff and families, at English Martyrs' celebrate your children’s learning and development.
We had hoped to be able to use Tapestry with you all from the beginning of the year, however we have encountered some technical problems. We are working hard to ensure these are rectified very soon so that you can start to interact with Tapestry and gain an insight into your child's school day. 
In the interim, we have put together a short video to show you what has been happening in reception over the last few weeks. 
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