
Mastering Number

Mastering Number


What does it mean to master something?


•I know how to do it

•It becomes automatic and I don’t need to think about it- for example driving a car

•I’m really good at doing it – painting a room, or a picture

•I can show someone else how to do it.


Mastery of Mathematics is more…..


•Achievable for all

  • Deep and sustainable learning

•The ability to build on something that has already been sufficiently mastered

•The ability to reason about a concept and make connections

•Conceptual and procedural fluency


Teaching for Mastery


•The belief that all pupils can achieve

•Keeping the class working together so that all can access and master mathematics

•Development of deep mathematical understanding

•Development of both factual/procedural and conceptual fluency

•Longer time on key topics, providing time to go deeper and embed learning