
Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Statement  


At English Martyrs’ we recognise that we are building the foundations for life-long learning with Christ at the centre. We want to capture and nurture a love of learning that our pupils will carry with them as they grow. We therefore strongly believe that learning should be memorable, hands on, active and challenging. Our curriculum is carefully designed to focus on the ‘whole child’, and harness all their unique gifts, talents and interests.

At English Martyrs’ we feel that teaching the foundation subjects through this curriculum model offers opportunities to develop children’s sense of identity through learning about the historical, cultural and geographical development of Britain, Europe and the world. We also strive to introduce children to what is involved in understanding and interpreting the past.

Our Curriculum aims to enable all our pupils to reach their full potential and equip them with the skills required to be independent and responsible citizens.

In order to achieve this the Governors, Headteacher and Staff recognise the need to constantly review our practice to ensure our goals are being achieved.


Our curriculum will maximise opportunities for children to:

 * develop inquisitive minds, a spirit of curiosity and a passion for learning

 * be equipped with the skills to fully participate in an ever changing world

 * be respectful and productive members of the community

 * have high expectations and self-belief to enable them to reach their full potential

 * reflect on their learning and seek to extend themselves mentally, physically and spiritually and be aspirational

 * uphold the Catholic ethos of the school whilst respecting their own cultures and beliefs and those of other people

 * persevere and see any mistake making as a positive opportunity for new learning

 * develop an understanding and respect for the environment and God’s creation and their role of responsibility for its stewardship

 * have the courage and confidence to take calculated risks and to apply their skills, knowledge and understanding to any problem-solving task.


Through our Mission and Ethos we strive to equip our pupils with positive attitudes, so they can BE the best version of themselves - ‘Be-attitudes' - Our Core Values. 

Our Curriculum provides opportunities to develop our ‘Be-attitudes for Learning.

‘Be-attitudes’ - Our Core Values 

     Be Gentle

     Be Just 

     Be Compassionate

     Be Merciful

     Be Humble 

     Be Pure

     Be Peacemakers

Be Courageous
Be-attitudes for Learning 

     Be Creative

     Be Knowledgeable

     Be Adventurous

     Be Ambitious

     Be Curious

     Be Collaborative

     Be Reflective

Be Positive