
GDPR - General Data Protection Regulation

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

As a school, we handle large amounts of personal data. This includes information on pupils, such as attainment grades, medical information, images and much more. We will also hold data on staff, governors, volunteers and job applicants.

We also handle special category data, which is subject to tighter controls. This could be details about race, ethnic origin, biometric data or trade union membership.

To contact our school's data protection officer (DPO) please email: admin@chapmandis.co.uk

To request access to your personal data, please contact our school office by emailing: office@emcps.co.uk


Please refer to the Data Protection Policy (GDPR) under our policies section for further information. 

Fair Processing / Privacy Notices
Please see below our school privacy notices.
 To discuss the content of the school's privacy notices, please contact:
Mrs Julie Kenny, School Business Manager on 0191 274 7463 or by emailing office@emcps.co.uk