
Welcome to Year 5 2023-24


Homework will be given out on Friday evening and MUST be returned on Friday morning. 

Homework consists of spellings and one workout from each of the CGP books: Maths, English and Comprehension. 

 Pupils have log ins for Times Tables Rock Stars and Spelling Frame.

Please ensure your children use these to practise their times tables and spellings.


Reading Books

Children are expected to read their reading book at home - alone or aloud to an adult - and write a comment in their reading record diary.

Finished books should be returned on Friday with homework. 


Water Bottles

All children have been given a water bottle.
These are sent home on Friday and must be brought back in on Monday.


Thursday is our PE day.
Please make sure your child ha
s appropriate footwear and is in the correct PE kit.



Our email addresses are: 

5M@emcps.co.uk - Miss Madsen 

5MC@emcps.co.uk - Miss McKeown 

 Emails are replied to on Tuesday afternoon during PPA time.