
Homework Information

In order to try and reduce the need for taking things to and from school we have developed our homework to all be online and located on the school website.  

Homework will be set each Friday (starting for this Friday -week beginning 5th October) and must be completed by the following Thursday.  

Each class will have their own page under the PUPILS tab.   Links to these pages are as follows:

Maths – using MyMaths  

Children will be set 2 tasks each week. 1 of the tasks will be similar to the work they are doing in class and 1 will be revisiting something your child has already done. 


SPAG – using spag.com 


Children will be set 2 tasks will be set. 1 task will be similar to the work they are doing in class and 1 will be revisiting something your child has already done. 


Reading – using Oxford Owls eReading books  


Your child will be given a reading group and the teacher will set a reading book each week.  

Please see below for additional information to support reading.  


In addition KS2 will be set: 

Timetables Rockstars 


Children should aim to complete 20-30 minutes each week. 

In addition EYFS & KS1 will be set  

Phonics using Floppy’s phonics 

 Your child’s teacher will set a phonics’ task each week  

Letters and sounds reading book 

 Your child’s teacher will give your child a  phonics’ reading book each week