
E-Safety update Oct 22

Dangerous Tik Toc challenges - October 2022


Dear Parents & Carers,  

You may have seen recent news reports detailing various challenges posted on the social media platform Tik Tok. Some of these have resulted in tragic consequences.


The most recent challenges are to ‘try and break your arm’ and ‘see how long you can keep a pillowcase over your head’.


It has been brought to our attention that some of our pupils are being encouraged to take part in these challenges via social media.


We ask that you please, speak with your child about these inappropriate and dangerous challenges being posted on social media, as well as the potential consequences associated with participating in them.


We will be including information about this issue in our E-Safety lesson this week.


Thank you for your continued support , and by working together, we can keep all our children safe. 

Miss Elliott & SLT