
Art @ English Martyrs'

English Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School Curriculum Statement


‘Loving Jesus, Loving learning, Loving Life.’


'Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time'
Thomas Merton
Our principal aim is that the children leave English Martyrs having an enriched experience of Art, through practical experiences, building of knowledge and skills and an appreciation of Art in many different forms. We aim to develop the children’s love of Art and encourage pupils to explore their own and other people’s creativity to take with them on their educational journey.
We also aim to appreciate the beauty of our own locality, use local galleries and museums to enhance our experiences and develop our knowledge of British artist.
Art helps pupils to understand the influences of other artist and what inspired them. To develop skills to produce Art in many forms, using different media such as  pastels, paint, clay and other media.
Our Art curriculum will equip the children to enjoy creating their own images, appreciate the beauty and complexity of works of Art, understand that Art can evoke different feelings and reactions in other people and articulate their own opinions.
Curriculum Overview
Examples of Art work