
Rearranged Sports Day - Tuesday 16th July

1.15 – 2.00

Sports Day


Dear parents/Carers


As you are aware we had to unfortunately postpone our annual sports day which was originally scheduled for Wednesday 3rd July.


We appreciate that some parents may have taken time off to attend but due to the poor weather conditions and health and safety considerations, we were unable to go ahead as planned.


Our rearranged date is 16th July (Tomorrow) and we hope to be able to run sports day, with some adaptions for all years 1-6.


Our Reception children will take part in their own sports events throughout the day and we will share pictures on Tapestry.


The forecast for tomorrow is not favourable with likely showers throughout the day.


However, we plan to reduce the number of events and the number of pupils outside at any one time. This will allow the children to take part in events as safely as possible whilst still being able to experience the fun of sports day.


We also want to be able to invite parents to be able to watch the races as planned. In order to reduce the amount of time you are outside (likely to be in the rain) we have changed timings so you will only need to be outside for your child’s races. However, please note, due to the wet ground, we will not be able to provide seating as in previous years.


Please enter the 'top field' via the gates on Cheeseburn Gardens. We ask that you are mindful of local residents when parking and advise parking in the surrounding streets where there may be more space. 


If you have children in more than one year group, you will be able to come and go as needed.



9.15am – 10.15am

Year 3 and 4 races


10.30 – 11.30

Year 5 and 6 Races



1.15 – 2.00

Year 1 races


2.15 – 3.00 

Year 2 races



Please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kit with suitable footwear for running on the grass.

Your child should also have a waterproof jacket or coat.


I am sure you will appreciate that the British weather is never straightforward, and we can only act on the best information we have at the time to make these decisions. If the weather is too bad, tomorrow, we may need to make the decision to cancel some or all of the races with short notice.


Thank you for your understanding on this (always!) tricky decision. Fingers crossed for fair weather, tomorrow, and we hope many of you will still be able to join us to support our rearranged sports day