
Year 2 visit to Newcastle Castle

As part of our 'Castles' topic in History we have an exciting opportunity to take our Year 2 children to Newcastle Castle. 
The trip will take place on Monday, 24th June 2024.
We will travel by private coach leaving school at 9:30am, and will return in time for the normal end of the day. 
Children will need to wear their full school uniform with a pair of sensible footwear, raincoat (weather dependent) and have their school water bottle. 

Pupils in Key Stage 1 are in receipt of universal infant free school meals therefore a packed lunch will be provided by the school kitchen. Pupils do not need to bring their own lunch.


The total cost for the trip will be £15 which has been subsidised by school, we kindly ask parents for a voluntary contribution of £5.

Your child will be bringing home a letter with further information on how to create your online account to make the payment, which is used for school meals and school visits.  All payments need to be made online via Ipayimpact and the account will be named 'Y2 Newcastle Castle'.  

If you have any queries or require any further information please do not hesitate to contact the school office by email at office@emcps.co.uk or on 0191 274 7463.


Thank you for your continued support. 

Mrs Stephenson & Miss Wilkinson.